Arm Position During Putting

Arm Position During Putting: Mastering Essential Aspects

In the realm of golf, putting is an art form that demands precision and attention to detail. Arm position during putting plays a pivotal role in determining the accuracy and consistency of your strokes. Mastering these essential aspects will elevate your putting game to new heights.

Elbows: One crucial aspect is the positioning of your elbows. They should be tucked in close to your body, forming a slight bend. This inward position promotes stability and control, allowing you to maintain a steady stroke path. Avoid flaring your elbows outward, as this can lead to inconsistency and loss of accuracy.

Shoulders: Your shoulders should be relaxed and slightly hunched, creating a natural arc. Avoid tensing up your shoulders, as this can restrict your range of motion and hinder your ability to execute a smooth stroke. Maintaining a relaxed shoulder posture allows for a fluid and effortless putting stroke.

Wrist: The wrist should be flat and slightly bowed, forming a straight extension from your forearm. Avoid cupping or bowing your wrist excessively, as this can disrupt the natural flow of your stroke. A flat wrist promotes a consistent and controlled release, ensuring the ball rolls on the intended line.

Arms: Your arms should hang naturally from your shoulders, with a slight bend at the elbows. The length of your arms should allow you to maintain a comfortable and balanced stance over the ball. Avoid extending your arms too far or having them too close to your body. Experiment with different arm lengths to find a position that suits your physique and putting style.

Grip: The grip you employ on the putter also influences your arm position. A firm but relaxed grip, with your hands positioned slightly forward on the grip, promotes stability and control. Avoid gripping the putter too tightly or too loosely, as both extremes can affect the accuracy and consistency of your strokes.

Mastering the essential aspects of arm position during putting takes practice and dedication. By paying attention to these key elements, you can refine your putting technique and achieve greater accuracy and consistency on the greens. Remember, the perfect arm position will vary slightly from person to person, so find what works best for you and practice regularly to improve your performance.

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